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Democratic debate delivers doubts

Image via Politico

Ten Democratic Presidential candidates took the stage last Thursday, September 12,  to engage in a vigorous debate, focused mainly on healthcare, gun control, and defeating the incumbent, President Donald J. Trump. This debate is the third of the year, and it will be a month before these personalities again engage one another in front of America.

Every candidate had their own way they saw fit to address the many challenges plaguing American society, yet I see problems with just about every candidate proposals to solve these “issues”. For simplicity's sake, I will focus on the ludicrous proposals and antics put forth by the front runners. It is bothersome to both Democrats and Republicans how Elizibeth Warren refuses to answer a direct question that is extremely important. On multiple occasions, she had been asked whether or not taxes for middle class citizens will raise under her healthcare plan. She completely avoided giving a definite answer and continues to epouse its merits. Taxes will almost certainly increase and she knows it’s a bitter pill to swallow and tried to hide that from her potential voters. 

 “Beto” O'Rourke's “mandatory buyback” plan for assault rifles is nothing more than confiscation, which he has acknowledged to his credit. There are an estimated 10 million “assault weapons” in the U.S. which enjoy the legal backing of the second amendment. Any mandatory confiscation would be virtually impossible to do, no matter where you stand on the firearms issue. It should be apparent this would end badly, undoubtedly taking more lives than it would save. Buybacks in the United States have been implemented before, and failed drastically. Baltimore implemented a buyback in 1974 after the fatal shooting of a police officer in the line of duty. According to The Blade, The city bought back 13,500 firearms, and experienced a rise in shootings during and after this process.

Other than that, I saw the debate as pretty routine. Julian Castro was criticized for mocking Joe Biden's memory, Andrew Yang promised to give out free money to 10 lucky winners (if you donate to his campaign that is), and Donald Trump was put out to be the wicked ruler who is responsible for all of America’s race issues. In my opinion, making the black unemployment rate lower than it's ever been should show he is the complete opposite, but bashing the President that’s done so much for this country is the only thing keeping some of the runners in the race at this point.

The 2020 Presidential race is still early and it’s a marathon, not a sprint. You can expect more vitriol, hyperbole and the democratic contenders turning on one another as they desperately try and unseat the incumbent.



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